Renu Fresh MPS 355 ml
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Kegunaan: untuk mencuci dan merendam softlens.
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Lensa kontak terasa nyaman digunakan karena cairan ini berfungsi ‘meremajakan’ kembali lensa kontak anda sehingga anda merasa memakai lensa kontak yang baru tiap hari. Untuk penggunaan sehari-hari, Renu Fresh terbukti ampuh membunuh kuman, membersihkan dan menghilangkan endapan protein pada lensa yang dapat membuat mata terasa pedih. Dengan larutan serba guna Renu Fresh, pemakaian lensa konta tidak perlu lagi menggunakan produk pembersih enzim lain yang terpisah.
Bausch and Lomb renu sensitive multi-purpose solution is indicated for use in daily cleaning, protein removal when used with renu 1 step daily protein remover liquid, rinsing, and storage of daily and extended wear soft contact lenses and chemical (not heat) disinfection, as recommended by your eye care professional.
Failure to discard solution from lens case after each use or use of water to care for your lenses may lead to contamination resulting in eye injury and potential loss of vision. See accompanying instructions for additional important safety information. Precautions:
Use before expiration date marked on the carton and bottle.
Discard remaining solution within 90 days after opening.
ED: June 2023
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